When you can get an extension on your visa, you must know about the right process. But remember, the end decision will depend upon the type of UK Visa you have. In this case, you have to ensure that you make the application prior to the current visa's expiry to avoid any overstaying issues. Also, you need to take professional help as a few things can get complicated.

When you want to extend UK Visa, the reason for extension must be the same as the reason you entered the country.
Applying for a UK visa extension
All of the UK visa types have the option of getting an extension. However, the person has to see they do not fail to comply with the specific condition and the requirement. Remember, this excludes Tier 5 Youth Mobility Scheme visas. You can stay in the UK with an entry visa for 2 years. To stay longer, you must return to your home country and reapply.
Requirements for UK visa extension
When you have decided to extend UK Visa, you must comply with several criteria, which include
Apply for an extension with the same visa type you have
Apply for an extension at least eight weeks before the expiry period
Have all the essential documentation
You must not have been part of any criminal activity during the stay
You must provide biometric information like the recent photograph, fingerprint

You can stay in the UK until the embassy makes a decision about your UK visa extension. However, remember you have to apply for the extension within the current visa period.
Take professional help
If you plan to extend UK Visa, you must understand the specific requirements and take professional help. Immigration Lawyers UK is the firm you can rely on for the services. They have experienced professionals to handle every situation. They will guarantee you have a hassle-free experience of applying for the extension and getting the approval. As the leading firm, the experts will ensure the best outcome every time.